Indigenous Foods Programs
Indigenous Youth Food Sovereignty Program
This program will welcome Indigenous high school students onto UNL’s East Campus to engage with Indigenous elders and UNL Extension faculty to learn how to grow their own food and establish food sovereignty for their families and communities. They will meet on Saturday mornings throughout the year to learn how to prepare, maintain, harvest and preserve the food they will grow in the UNL Indigenous Garden.
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Umóⁿhoⁿ Nation Hydroponics Initiative
This initiative focuses on hydroponics, a non-traditional method for growing food. Hydroponics involves growing plants without soil by using water-based mineral nutrient solutions. This program will provide year-round fresh food for the Umóⁿhoⁿ Nation.
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Nation Nourishment Program
This tribal food sustainability program is designed to create local food producers for the Umonhon Nation. These food producers will grow food for their families, communities and commercial venues to create economic development.
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Online Native Nutrition Course & Video Resources
Learn more about our free online Introduction to Native Nutrition training course and find video resources on nutrition education, food safety and preparation, recipe demonstrations, and food preservation.
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Turtle Island Trade Coalition
The Turtle Island Trade Coalition (TITC) is an Indigenous food trade hub that serves tribal nations and communities throughout the United States. Tribal members of the coalition receive multiple benefits including an online space where you can easily market and sell products, a profile on the National Market Maker business directory, access to grant opportunities, ability to attend business training workshops, and free registration to the annual Turtle Island Trade Coalition Food Sovereignty Conference.
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