Council Bylaws
The objectives of this group shall be to provide a collective voice and represent the inter-tribal youth in all matters that concern them; to serve as a means of mobilizing and coordinating the actions of youth, other community members and organizations toward positive goals; to promote the development of future tribal leaders; to help solve problems facing indigenous youth to coordinate school and community projects that allow the youth to interact for fun and followship; while giving the students a safe space to connect with other indigenous youth on the same pathway; encouraging higher education or after high school plans.
The youth council shall meet twice a month. A notice of time, place, and agenda will be provided to all members at least 5 days prior to the meeting. All members shall attend each scheduled meeting; if not able to attend, you must notify one of the advisors at least 3 days prior. Minutes and Attendance of all meetings will be recorded.
The group shall have 3 categories within this organization. One group consists of 7-8th Graders, 9-10th graders, and 11-12th graders. Each member shall have the right to cast votes for leadership roles and voting for membership and all other matters.
The youth council will be sponsored by the UNL Tribal Extension Office.
Students will fill out an application, go through an interview process, and await acceptance from current members/advisors. We are looking for members that can display qualities such as courage, bravery, humility, and integrity.
An advisory council has been appointed already: Ted Hibbeler and Sophia Casas-Castillo.
The members of the Advisory Council will help facilitate meetings, offer guidance to the youth, chaperone functions and activities of the youth council, and assist youth council members in fulfilling their responsibilities.
Duties of Members
- Show respect for other members by being on time and bringing necessary materials to meetings
- Accept responsibility for sharing in the business at hand when a meeting convenes. Understand that participation is essential.
- Give constant, active attention to the group’s activity during the meeting
- Accept the responsibility of youth council membership by actively participating in all organized meetings, committees, and activities.